“The Mystery of the Bridge” – Part II

The final chapter has been written in “The Mystery of the Bridge”. SPOILER ALERT: The ending is a happy one.

I closed the original post about the “mysterious” watercolor done by Jack Jandegian with the wish that the charming painting would one day be reunited with the artist’s descendants. As I said at the time, “that would be the perfect happy ending to this story.”

I am thrilled to report that my wish has been granted. One of Mr. Jandegian’s daughters tracked me down after happening upon the post I did in June 2014. For once, a testimony to the good side of the internet.

Like me, she could only speculate about the backstory of the painting; specifically the path that led it to a home in Arizona remains a mystery. However, she did let me know that her Mother was still living in their family home, surrounded by many of her father’s paintings. The best part to the story is that Mrs. Jandegian is celebrating her birthday this summer so we have made arrangements for the return of the painting in time for her daughters to present it to her as a birthday gift. (Shhh….don’t tell. It’s a surprise.)

A family heirloom going home which, to me, is the perfect happy ending.

Happy 94th birthday, Mrs. Jandegian.

“The Mystery of the Bridge” can officially be marked “Case Closed”.


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